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August 2003

A Monthly E-zine of Esoteric Commentary

To provide the training, the atmosphere,
the companionship and
service opportunities necessary to

"link Hierarchical intent with human aspiration" and the Will to Good.


In this Issue


We Are The Divine Intervention by Eugene Smith
Full Moon Magic 2004-2006


Workshops and Study Groups

Held At Arcana Workshops:

Location: 3916 Sepulveda Blvd., Suite 202, Culver City, CA.

Information 310-391-9772 or 310-545-0910

  • Meditation Training Workshop - Tuesday Mornings @ 11:00 (Please Call)

  • Tuesday Night Study Group - Tuesdays 7:30 to 9:30 (Open Enrollment, Please Call)

  • Nature of the Soul - Wednesdays 7:00 to 9:30 PM

Up Coming Events

August 11, 2003, Monday 7:45 PM

August Community Meditation Meeting

Arcana Workshops, 3916 Sepulveda Blvd. Suite 202, Culver City, CA

For directions and information:
e-mail co-create@meditationtraining.org
Phone 310-545-0910

September 9, 2003, Monday 7:45 PM

September Community Meditation Meeting

Arcana Workshops, 3916 Sepulveda Blvd. Suite 202, Culver City, CA

For directions and information:
e-mail co-create@meditationtraining.org
Phone 310-545-0910

Group Meditation

New Moon Cycle Seed Thought

June 30 Through July 28

"The important aspect, at this time, of the basic oneness underlying all forms, and which the workers of today must immediately emphasize, is the fact of the kingdom of God, the planetary Hierarchy." Rays and Initiations p. 300

July 29 Through August 27

When the Christ founds His focal point on Earth, it will be in the nature of a tiny heart centre through which the love energy of the Hierarchy can persistently flow. This alignment is now in process of being made… Thus the hearts of men, the heart of the planet, i.e., the Hierarchy, and the heart of the Hierarchy, the Christ, are in a state of positive contact; when this channel is open and unobstructed, then the Christ will come. Nothing can stop His appearance….

Rays and Initiations P. 618-619

Note: Write to the Editors at co-create@meditationtraining.org


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The Frequency of Truth


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