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August 2003 - Page 3


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Dear Friends:

As we begin the out breathing cycle of the year humanity continues to face a crisis of epic proportions. We have written regarding this issue many times in the past couple of years. Once again, this issue of Thoughtline deals with it.

Our skills as a world discipleship group and our value to the Hierarchy lie mainly in the area of creative meditation. We can best aid the externalization and reappearance by continuing to build and embody the creative images and thoughtforms that hold the solutions to our global problems. The full moon work is, of course, vital to that effort. To help in the organization of that work, we have enclosed a copy of Full Moon Magic 2004-2006 with this issue Thoughtline.

If you would like to have additional copies of Full Moon Magic please contact Arcana. We are requesting donations of $3 per copy or two copies for $5 to help us with the printing and mailing costs. If you would like more than 4 or 5 copies for your group, we can work out some kind of bulk donation not to exceed $1 per copy.

With great love and joy and great hope for the rising tide of Light and,

loving you

-tom, for your friends and co-workers at Arcana Workshops

Glimmers on the loch!

Soul silvers in the water.

Beauty lifts my heart.

Tom Carney, July 2003



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