Dear Friends: This note is by way of invitation to participate
in a Group Meditation Action. This particular action will focus on
the United Nations Security Council.
“The United
Nations Security Council(UNSC)is one of the six principal organs
of the United Nations and is charged with the maintenance of
international peace and security. Its powers include the
establishment of peacekeeping operations, the establishment of
international sanctions, and the authorization of military action through
Security Council resolutions; it is the only UN body with the
authority to issue binding resolutions to member states.”
The Security Council
consists of fifteen members. Five of these members serve as
permanent members. They are Russia, The United Kingdom, France, China and the
United States. Any one of these permanent members can
veto any substantive Security Council resolution, including those on
the admission of new member states or candidates for
The existence of the veto power
within the Security Council has greatly hampered the effectiveness
of the United Nations in meeting the Intentions which brought it
into manifestation. In the efforts Humanity has made over the
centuries to bring the Cosmic Principles of Equality and Freedom to
all peoples of the planet, regardless of the of the cultural mores,
practices, laws, and traditions of where they happened to be born,
retrogressive roadblocks such as this veto power have more often
than not been encountered.
An original section in the
Constitution of the United States is a remarkable, recent example of
this kind of retrogressive interference. In order to be ratified
into the Law of the land, the U.S. Constitution had to include
Article One Section 9, “The Migration or
importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a Tax or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person.”
This clause “legalized” slavery.
It took around 80 years and a horrendous civil war for this proviso
to be amended out of the Constitution. So, the existence of this
retrogressive veto power in the UN Charter is nothing new. The UN is
approaching 69 years now. To this day, all of the efforts to
eliminate or moderate this retrogressive veto have been
unsuccessful. It is the objective of this Group Meditation
Action to employ the manifesting power of Synthesis into this
effort. In this we will be working from Principle into a
brand new form.
We have all noticed that “everything” is speeding
up. This speeding up can be seen from one angle as the result of the
presence on our Planet of the Avatar of Synthesis “who, acting under
the direction of a greater Cosmic Life, synthesizes the energies
into a lower correspondence of a Cosmic energy as yet of too high
and subtle a frequency for us to reach.” This energy is a synthesis
of the Rays 1,2 and 7. It resembles these Rays but “is not like any
one or any combination of them.” Ashramic Projections P. 173.
We must
constantly be aware that these three Ray energies are sub Rays of
the Cosmic Second Ray of Divine Love Wisdom. All of this “action” is
therefore conditioned and directed by the cosmic Ray of Love Wisdom.
“The major characteristic of this new energy is its dynamic,
precipitating faculty. It is the precipitating agent of the Divine
Plan for humanity in specific circumstances and situations, in
specific happenings. The disciple will use the energy by focusing it
into those situations and circumstances which should be the vehicle
for the manifestation of the Plan, but are not necessarily so at
that given time. By focusing this energy into this specific
situation or this circumstance even though that happening appears to
be in opposition to the Plan, the energy itself precipitates the
Divine Plan into manifestation via or through that specific
happening.” Ashramic Projections P. 186
Invoking the Energy of
Focus in the Cave, take a deep breath, align the
vehicles and dedicate them to the service of the Plan.
Link the
three heart centers into a unified field of golden light. It is
essential that this work be carried forward from and through a heart
focused mind.
Bring the three part Soul into the unified coherent
field of Light within Heart Field.
Link the heart fields of the
group into a unified whole.
Link with the Ashram of Synthesis.
the three Masters, M, D.K. and R, standing in a field of Blue Fire.
Name and link with each one.
Link with the Higher Triangle of the
Christ, the Avatar of Synthesis and the Planetary Logos. For the
purpose of bringing the actions of the Security Council into right
relation with the Divine Plan, we Invoke and stand receptive to the
energy of Synthesis.
Stand in the Silence, 2-3 minutes
receptive to the Inflow of the Synthesis Energy “The Synthesis
Energy will be released in exact proportion to the group power
potential in service” Ashramic Projections P. 175
Focused on the threshold of the Ashram of Synthesis in the Center of
All Love, turn the attention toward the U.N.
Visualize the room (see provided photo below) in
the United Nations Building in which the Security Council meets.
Consciously direct the focused Synthesis energy into this room. See
the energy as a pillar of pure coherent Light piercing the ceiling
of the room and creating a huge Torus of the synthesis energy that
fills the room sweeping all up into its central synthesizing vortex.
Hold this vision for up to 3 minutes.
Focus again on threshold of
the Ashram and see the synthesizing torus of Light maintaining it
presence and function within the room.
Once one the Synthesis energy
torus has been established it can be reenergized at any time simply
by bringing the vision of the torus in the Security Council chamber
into the minds eye and refreshing the link between the Higher
Triangle of the Christ, the Avatar of Synthesis and the Planetary
Logos and the torus field in the chamber.
The image below is the
room in the UN building in which the Security council meets.

“Conflict in the extreme, followed by quick evolutionary change [relatively speaking] will manifest wherever the Synthesis
energy is applied.” Ashramic Projections P. 174
This Meditation
Action can be carried forward by any heart focused disciple. It can
be done at anytime by any worker. It is helpful that for power, a
rhythm of regeneration be established. All such work proceeds from
the heart and is group work. The group presence protects both the
work and the worker from misapplication and overstimulation.
If you
are interested in helping with the effort, please do. I would be
happy to respond to any questions or queries.
Lots of love -tom
Printable Security Council Meditation