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May 2003 - Page 3

The Pisces Project

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Approximate Launch Date, 475BC

It is intended, as you have been told that Humanity itself will be the world-savior, working with the aid of the Hierarchy— as yet invisibly behind the scenes.
Externalization of the Hierarchy P.588

The Pisces Project had a launch date of approximately 475 B.C. With the subsequent launch of The Aquarian Project, around 1625 A.D., the Pisces Project is drawing, rather quickly, I think, to a close. This evening I want to share some thoughts I have about the Pisces Project— you may think of this as a kind of preliminary evaluation—, and I want to make a few comments about the goals and objectives of the rapidly expanding Aquarian Project which will be with us for the next 2200 years or so.

Let me start by making a few general remarks about the concept of A Divine Plan, and then talk specifically about The Pisces Project piece. These remarks, including the ones about The Pisces and the Aquarian Projects, I must tell you, are not readings from the Akashic Records or any thing of that nature. They are whisperings, perhaps, from some inner source, but no more than that, just my simple opinions, the results, in most cases, of my creative musings… quite fun actually.

Well, first off, I think that the concept of the Divine Plan, or of A Divine Plan is, at long last, beginning to gain credence in scientific and academic circles. A conversation I had with my brother the other day offers one of the many possible examples of this growing awareness on the part of the scientific community. My brother, who as a professor of Biology was a rather dedicated neo-Darwinian, shared with me that some scientists who were conducting probability research had concluded that the probability of complex systems such as the human immune system occurring spontaneously or developing by accident through some hocus pocus the neo Darwinians call “fortuitous mutations” was so remote that it was improbable. This has led to some rather guarded conclusions on the part of these scientists that there may have been a “guiding hand” of some sort behind the evolution of the human immune system. You can check this out in Michael Behe’s book, Darwin’s Black Box. A nuclear physicist from MIT, Dr. Schroeder, working at the sub molecular level, comes to similar conclusions in his book The Hidden Face of God. I can’t tell you how significant these kinds of developments are, and they are occurring with greater and greater frequency throughout the world of physical science.

As data of this nature continues to come to light, the arguments that support the validity of a separative material reality as the only reality— thus denying any possible existence of a non-material or spiritual reality— will continue to crumble with the consequent receding of the Paradigm of Separation. The systems of human interaction and living that are based on this old paradigm, that is the economic, political, social and physical infrastructure of the current civilization or modern world, will, likewise, gradually crumble and disappear.

My sense is that this gradual revelation of the synthetic reality is in itself an unfolding aspect of the Pisces Project. It was a foreseen and planned part of that project. This revelation of synthesis is a process which is going forward because of and as an example of the evolution of consciousness, of the rapidly expanding awareness of the collective human mental body. The evolution of the mental body is enabling more and more individual human beings to make brain conscious contact with the inner source of their being.

It is The Aquarian Project, of course, that contains the goals and objectives for the creation of a New Civilization built on a consciousness base that includes the relative reality of both the physical and spiritual worlds. From the limited perspective available to present day fore-searchers, it is difficult to see the long range outcomes of the Aquarian Project. But I think we can safely say that the evolving Aquarian civilization will not be a one dimensional, physical plane real only thing. The sub-planes of the etheric world will be as evident as the dense physical planes are now. The 6th plane, the Astral will be very much a reality for most human beings. Telepathy will be relatively common, and thus, the spiritual aspects of life will occupy a major place in the outer forms of the Aquarian world. Imagine yourself living in a holographic world that includes the etheric and astral planes as well as the dense physical and you will get some insight into the way it will be.

One of the goals of the Pisces Project, as you all know, was to bring the scientific community of humanity to the point of rediscovering the etheric sub planes of the dense physical plane, and, as one of the results of the kinds of revelations I mentioned above, I do think that the scientific community is on the verge of admitting the existence of the etheric world— that is both copping to it and allowing it in. So, I think that sooner, rather than later, now, we will be hearing respected academics, scientists, researchers and the like talking, not about whether there is a Plan, but about the nature and dimensions of that Plan.

We frequently miss these and other kinds of indicators of the progress and development of the Pisces Project because, forgetting who and where we are, we do not look out into the world from the point of view of that unfolding reality. Instead we become lost in maya, and, focused on the wild gyrations of the fading material paradigm, we lose touch with the whole.

An example: Currently, the forces of retrogression, working trough whatever channels they can find, are hell bent on doing a war. This will be, if it happens, a real bummer, the gory and terrible details of which we have all heard enumerated many times. Along with the terrible details of what will result if there is war, we have heard numerous explanations of why this war is wanted, most of which revolve around oil and money and power. Lying behind those reasons, however, is the larger purpose of the Forces of Retrogression. Let us not forget that they too have a project and a plan, and their desire is to maintain, at any cost, the Kali Yuga, to keep the Old World Order in Place.

If one were to see only this aspect of the world picture, one would, understandably, be rather depressed and discouraged. However, as I have been meditating, writing and speaking about this situation, for the last few years now, I have gradually come to the conclusion, some will say to the delusion, that the birth of the New World Order, a key goal of the Pisces Project, is really unstoppable. This child will be born into the Light of a New Aquarian Day. The further growth and development of this child, of course, concerns the substance of the Aquarian Project.

I, for one, perhaps naively, thought that if we could mobilize public opinion, particularly the planetary intelligentsia, we would have an excellent chance of avoiding war. It does appear, however, that the current holders of power in the United States will ignore the massive world wide demonstrations, made up mainly of the world’s thinking people, which are demanding a path of peaceful solution.

This arrogant ignoring of the voice of humanity on the part of the present holders of power is perhaps the best example of the true way the Old World Order functions that we have ever had.

However, regardless of this self conscious and separative action, the work has been done. I think that the momentum of the One Humanity, the World Savior, cannot now be stopped. Now that the United States has decided to “go it alone” or whatever term is applied to this hubristic action, the goodwill and determination of the people, of humanity, of the subjective United Nations, has shown itself and will continue to grow. It is my thinking, friends, not that we will over come, but that we have overcome.

It may take a little while yet to manifest in the dense physical, but I think that the efforts of “enlightened souls functioning upon the physical plane and working desperately to aid humanity.” has carried the day. No one will deny that these are, indeed, desperate times, and if you hear a note of desperation in the voices of the workers, it is because it is there. Yet, while we are indeed desperate, we are still full of hope and spiritual will. Remember, “There is a basic distinction between desperation and pessimism. Desperation is related to the time element and to a correct and discriminative perception of the need. Pessimism is related more to an unjust appraisement of the quality of humanity.” Discipleship In The New Age II, P. 64

The intensity of the spiritual desperation of these disciples has provided the required point of tension which has ignited within the hearts of many millions of people from all over the world, a flame of concern for human liberty and equality, and generated within the minds of these same millions a revelatory understanding of human interdependence. Both of these were key goals of the Pisces Project. This objective of the Project was to bring Humanity to a such a keen point of awareness of and appreciation for its synthetic existence that it would move as one body to solve problems from the levels of the collective mind and heart rather than continuing to apply physical might and the force of arms to impose separative, and frequently culturally exclusive points of view on one another.

The world wide events demanding an intelligent and loving solution to the current problems with Iraq that we have all been witnessing speak eloquently of the success of this phase of the Pisces Project. The present level of this concern and understanding is unparalleled in history, and, as I have said, it will continue to grow. Once the Iraq issue is past, however it works out, this newly generated awareness will turn with power and determination to other issues of human concern such as feeding the starving and housing the exposed.

Shifts of World Opinion

Everyone who has looked carefully at the events leading up to the apparent sudden collapse of the Berlin Wall realizes that the momentum of that event was building for years. Shifts of world opinion like this do not occur over night. What we are seeing unfold before our eyes is the centuries long evolution of an idea and the powerful implementation of a thoughtform. The thoughtform driving these events is just now becoming obvious enough for people to see, and it has a ways to go yet; however, this amazing world wide development, coupled with revelations of science, will continue to cause the gradual termination of the Kali Yuga and the Old World Order.


This birth is really not stoppable at this point. So, what we actually see going on now is the dying struggle, the death throes, one might say, of an old and outworn body trying to hold onto its form, its sense of identity. However, as every old and outworn body that ever existed has, this one, too, will fail.

Thus has the Pisces Project, an aspect of the Divine Plan, even if mostly unseen by humanity, peering, as it does, through the veil of the Great Illusion, been steadily, unfolding.

475, BC

Lets go back to the launch date for a minute. Everyone who is familiar with the way the 5th Kingdom, the Spiritual Hierarchy, works knows that they do a lot of Planning. We know for example that they have a major planning Conclave every 100 years. This conclave is called by Sanat Kumara’s sounding forth the O, the first letter of the Sacred Word. “At these Councils, Those Who are responsible for the planetary development, along certain predetermined lines, make Their reports; decision is made as to new unfoldments; certain types of energy, cosmic and solar, are made available for the carrying forward of the Plans which implement the Purpose; the evolution of consciousness in the three worlds receives, necessarily, major attention.” Rays and Initiations P. 207 D,K, also mentions quarterly meetings, and we know that every nine years “…the Hierarchy meets in silent conclave, [at which] a part of God's vision, and His formulation of that vision for the immediate present, is revealed for the next nine year cycle.” Esoteric Psychology VII P.241,2 The next nine year cycle meeting will be held in 2005.

Master Planners

So, imagine the Master Planners looking ahead at the 475 BC Conclave, they could see that the impending Piscean Age offered the best chance for a break out from the Kali Yuga that had been available for a very long time. They could see what was needed and they could see that there was a chance that the evolution of humanity could possibly make it. The primary project goal, of course, was that humanity itself would have to become the world savior. For a basic element of the Divine Plan has always been human free will. “It is humanity which determines its own destiny.” Discipleship In The New Age II, P. 69

To get this project off the ground, The planners arranged for a very high level being, the Hierarch who held the office of the Christ at that particular time, to come in in early Pisces. A primary aspect of this Avatar’s assignment was to provide a living model of certain qualities and skills that would be necessary for the birth of the New World Order, or for the birth of the Christ child in the cave of the Human heart. These qualities were basically love and wisdom.

Another equally important aspect of the assignment was to demonstrate that death was a form issue, not a Life issue. The objective was to model that the much feared event of dying, of death, was simply a process through which Life moves out of a form. The demonstration of this basic fact of the nature of synthetic reality was accomplished through His death and resurrection.

However, largely because of the overwhelming emphasis placed by the religious community on the bloody and painful way that the Avatar was crucified, this particular aspect of the Project did not fair well until very recently. The revelations of science and the evolution of the human mental body continue to erode this barrier of fear and glamour, and Life is slowly, but in my opinion unstoppably now, making its way into human awareness. Everyday, more and more human beings are freeing themselves from their mortal, meat bound existence and identifying with their immortal inner reality, their souls or inner beings, call it what you will. Thus, the Specter of Death, this ancient terrorist, bogy man of the forces of retrogression, is about to die.

The results of humanity’s finally realizing that death is an illusion and that immortality is what we live with are another major aspect of the Aquarian Project, particularly that part of the project which concerns the externalization of the Ashrams.

Also, it follows that, just as there was early in the Pisces project, there will be the appearance, early in the Aquarian Project, of a very high level Avatar. We, of course, are all looking forward to the reappearance of the Hierarch who holds the office of the Christ, We are expecting this Avatar will bring and model the qualities necessary for the successful implementation of the Aquarian Project, at least one of those qualities being an understanding of the synthetic nature of Divine Will.

We know that it was intended, from the very beginning, that humanity itself would evolve into the World Savior. This was the primary goal of the Pisces Project. To accomplish this goal, it was realized that humanity would have to sacrifice its ages long identification with the form world, and thus open to and embrace the reality of Spirit and the Endless Way. As the Aquarian Age unfolds, we will see humanity relinquishing its grasp of the physical planet, thus making it totally available for the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms. We will eventually become truly the husbands of the planet.

Humanity has been moving toward the point of identification with its spiritual reality for about 2500 years. I think we have actually been into the substance of large numbers of humans facing that opportunity for the past 75 years or so, and this current crisis around the war issue might be a kind of culminating point. The possibility of this war happening is, as I said, an important, but not defining moment in this decision; for, even if there is a war, the movement of life out of the old form will continue. If there is not a war, the real problems we face will not be solved, not by a long shot.

Humanity needs to bring the entire world up to the table. The fact of the One Humanity and the importance of every single individual must finally be recognized and honored. We will accomplish this, as I said, by sacrificing our sense of material identification, and by relinquishing our grasp of the material world. We will thereby learn the wonders of abundance and the power of sharing. Sharing is, of course, simply the name for the economic system of synthesis.

One could go on and on, but In closing this evening, I would like to bring forward one last element of the plan for the Pisces Project. This was part of the plan when it was originally formulated back in 475 BC or so. It would probably appear in the Closing Days section of the plan, under a sub heading like, The Triumph. The primary goal of the Project, let us recall was that Humanity itself will be the world-savior. That particular line goes on to say, “…working with the aid of the Hierarchy— as yet invisibly behind the scenes.” Externalization of the Hierarchy P. 539 So, around 1945, the closing days of the Pisces Project, to push it over the top, actually, the Hierarchy caused to be released the final stanza of the Great Invocation. I think a careful analysis of the way this magical formula directs energy will reveal that Humanity is the vessel into which the Light, Love and Power of the Lord of the World has been invoked and directly and deliberately poured over the past 58 years. That’s some pretty heavy help. The implications of this are worth meditating on, particularly the 4th verse,

From the center which we call the race of men

Let the Plan of light and love work out

And may it seal the door where evil dwells.


Let Light and Love and Power

Restore the Plan on Earth.

Can there be any doubt at all about the successful out come of the Pisces Project. I leave you this evening with the following comment from Master Morya:

“Amidst the unfathomable tumult of life do We erect our Temple. Deeply laid is the foundation. The builders laying the base know not the grandeur of the future towers. But the architect already has designed their height.”

Tom Carney, Pisces 2003


Visualize World Peace

Page 1  In This Issue

Page 2  Invocation


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