The following pages contain the study material, meditation work and other information
regarding the "Daily Disciplines" that are part of a series of work within
Arcana Workshop's meditation training program. At this point we have not indicated or
listed any specific service activities to go with this series of work. However, service is
an essential part of any occult, esoteric training program. It is actually the third leg
of the program, study and mediation being the other two. If you undertake this work, you
will need to set up some form of practical service activity that is consciously and
deliberately entered into. It is the service effort that safeguards both the work and the
worker. To tap spiritual energy that is not directed into selfless service is playing with
fire. This can and does lead to very serious problems of both a psychic and physical
By placing this material on the World Wide Web, we realize that we are making things
occult and esoteric available to any eyes. Please know that the more valuable and deeper
understandings of this material will not be reachable by the simply curious. The new
knowledge that is embedded within this work is not open to a superficial lower mind
approach. It takes all three: study and meditation, coupled with a true selfless service
project to engender the sort of consciousness that will be open to the revelations
imbedded within this material.
Even so, there is much here that will be of interest to the casual and curious
intellectual. And it may be that one's curiosity will encourage one to delve deeper into
the Ageless Wisdom. The essential tools for such a journey are, once again, meditation and
selfless service. It is the Soul in us who understands and it is the Soul in us that we
can reach through meditation and selfless service.
We have made available all of the teaching material for some of our study series, the "White
Magic" series is the first one you should study. This is the series which
we use to introduce new groups or students to the Work. There are no "beginner"
series in Arcana, so the work connected with this series is as advanced as any that you
will eventually find here. This work is appealing to the student trained in Western
educational systems. The emphasis is on the occult rather than the mystical Path.
These study sets were originally used in a correspondence system. They have questions
with them to which the student would respond in writing. These questions were designed to
help the thinking along certain lines and to enable the student to penetrate more deeply
into the material. The questions also have a tendency to ground the student in the life of
practical service. You may find that using these questions as thought issues for your self
will be of use to you, too.
We would urge all students who use this material to read carefully the Extract
from a Statement by the Tibetan which appears at the close of Study Set 1. This
statement contains essential information for anyone wishing to travel the razor-edge
King's Road.
We invite your feed back, questions, comments and so forth.
Please address all e-mail to
The Staff of Arcana Workshops
Version of Overview
