Los Angeles Heart Project
Public Meditation Form
1.) Let us attain physical comfort and control
keeping our bodies quiet
without tension
easy and regular.
Then deliberately forget about the physical vehicle. After a very little pause, move right
into the next phase.
2.) Now let us see our emotional body as still and lovely as a quiet
pool on a windless day
its motionless water clearly reflecting the sky
Now, carry the focus of your attention on
through the emotional body to the mind
A slight pause 20 to 30 seconds
3.) Lift your attention straight forth to the highest point possible
in the world of thought, (pause)
hold it there
4.) Now, while listening intently with the "inner ear", and
visualizing our threefold personality as the willing, sensitive instrument of our Soul's
expression, let us softly sound the Sacred Word OM aloud, three times.
5.) Meditation: Leader: Let us meditate
ponder upon and
invoke for our city, the city of Los Angeles, and for all the people of the world,
Use the current seed thought here. Allow at least 5 minutes for the silent
we can go up to 10 if the group is holding with out too much discomfort.
See the heart energy of love which we have invoked through our meditation flowing into
this wonderful city we call home. See the energy penetrating into every corner of the City
of Los Angeles and into the surrounding communities of this great national heart center.
Now see the invoked love flowing out of Los Angeles in a great wave to all of the
people in our country and on to the peoples of the Earth.
Let us close our meditation with a sounding of the mantra of Unification.
The sons of men are one, and I am one with
I seek to love, not hate;
I seek to serve and not exact due service;
I seek to heal, not hurt.
Let pain bring due reward of light and love.
Let the soul control the outer form,
And life, and all events,
And bring to light the love
That underlies the happenings of the time.
Let vision come and insight.
Let the future stand revealed.
Let inner union demonstrate and outer cleavages be gone.
Let love prevail.
Let all men love.
Silently, as the Soul, sound OM three times into the world of men.